Saturday, April 19, 2008

Pinewood Derby

I'm starting off the family blog with a bang. Today was the Pinewood Derby, and the boys did great. Ethan won for the second year in a row and Noah got third place. While Scott was assembling the cars Ethan asked him to make Noah's faster. What a sweetheart! But as luck would have it, Ethan was the big winner. Noah couldn't have cared less, he got his trophy and his paper certificate and won't let them out of his sight. He had a great time. It really was mostly luck that we won, we only started working on the cars on Thursday and Scott didn't put the wheels on until this morning. This is Ethan's last derby, but Noah has 2 more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Ethan and Noah! And way to go Ali for finally getting a blog. I am so happy to be the first to put on a comment!!!