Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Year, New Post

I can't believe half of January is over and I haven't posted a darn thing. Not that much has been going on, just getting back into the swing of school and work. Scott has been doing some traveling, to New York and London. He also has been playing a whole lot of tennis at the gym, which he loves. He's such a good example for me, and I so need to get my lazy self back into exercise mode. One of the many resolutions . . .

We have had one of the coldest winters ever. The kids had no school last Thursday or Friday because temps with the windchill were 40 below zero. So we hung out in the house and Ethan played with his buddies. Of all the Christmas presents the biggest hit has turned out to be the nerf blasters and nerf bow/arrow. The entire basement has become a war zone, and I'm always a little bit on my guard.

We recently had Noah's IEP meeting (almost 2 hours with all his teachers/therapists during which we discussed his progress to date and plans for the future.) How thankful we are for devoted teachers, people who felt called to work with kids with special needs. Noah is so blessed to be alive at a time when there are so many opportunites for kids like him. And he just loves school and his school friends.

Hope everyone out there is doing well!

1 comment:

Tami Allred said...

Noah makes me smile!! Happy that he has such great people in his life.
also glad you're blogging again.