Sunday, August 3, 2008

I Love My Calling!

For those of you who might not know, I'm the secretary for the Young Women at church. I have really enjoyed getting to know the girls, it's been a long time since I worked with them. I also have a great presidency I work with, we have a lot of fun at our meetings. Well this morning one of the little beehives brought me a birthday present, a bag of candy and some lotion, along with a sweet card thanking me for the monthly calendars I make and wishing me a happy day. Earlier that week I'd gotten a card from her mother, so the apple didn't fall far from that tree! Oh I hope I can teach being that thoughtful and kind to my children. I was moved almost to tears from that sweet girl's gift. I love the new Beehives (12 year olds) because they are so enthusiastic. The older girls get a little bored sometimes, but never the young ones. A couple of the girls are helping out with the Down syndrome picnic which is next week. I know that not only will they be a big help, but they'll also be great representatives of the church. Anyway I hope I can be as much of a help to these girls as they are to me!!


The Moore Family said...

Hope you had a great birthday!! And that is the sweetest a mom we want to teach our children so many GOOD things!! I'm secretary in the primary and just love it! Kids teach you so much!

Anonymous said...

I bet I know who that was! great family and she is very giving!!!

happy birthday!!!