Thursday, August 28, 2008

Back to School!

Yesterday was the first (half) day of school. Ethan is now in middle school and his bus leaves at 7 a.m. so it was an early morning for us. Fortunately Ethan is a cheerful morning person. He was very excited about his new school, and his day went well, except for a bloody nose. But he said people were nice to him about it so it wasn't too bad (at least he didn't throw up!) Anyway he has a nice homeroom teacher and said his other teachers seemed fine as well. None of his close friends are in his classes, but there are kids he knows, and he makes new friends pretty easily. Also one of his friends is on his bus, so that's great.
Noah was so excited about school that he ran out the door 45 minutes before his bus came and I had to drag him back inside. He also wore a jacket, even though it was plenty warm outside. He wanted to wear gloves as well, but I put my foot down. He was so happy to see his bus driver and when he got home he said he'd had a great day. I'll be going in to talk to his teacher later and make sure we're all on the same page. There are only 7 kids in his class, and his best friends Jacob and Vanessa and Leah are all in it, so Noah just couldn't be more thrilled to be at school!
And I'm pretty happy about it too!


Anonymous said...

yeah! School started!

Anonymous said...

still can't believe he is that old!!!

look at your friday's in October. we'll do lunch

Gretchen said...

Wow! I can't believe how fast they are growing up! Too funny about Noah being so excited for school!