Friday, October 3, 2008


Scott took the kids to Canada this morning. I really wanted to go, but I've been recovering from a 2 week cold and was so buried in paperwork that I didn't feel I could do it. Plus next weekend we're going to Disneyland with Beebs and Scott and their kids. Now of course I'm missing the Scott and Ethan and Noah like crazy. They were all so sweet this morning. But I'm attacking the mess in my office and hopefully over the weekend I'll be able to get everything so organized that I won't be a stressed mess next week. Amazing how paper just piles up, coupons, schoolwork, mail, junk mail, adoption stuff, church stuff, FINDS (Down syndrome group) stuff, etc. So I'm making about a hundred little piles and trying to throw out as much as possible. The weather is great, cool and crisp, and tomorrow I'm going to attempt to clean the rest of the garage and do some yardwork. Scott's parents are going to be in Canada too, so he and the kids will have a great time. They're staying in a beautiful hotel on the shores of Lake Louise. I wish I could be with them! But I was really suffocating in backed up to-dos. So I'll unbury myself and be a better wife and mother when they get back.


Gretchen said...

Here's to a weekend of organization! It can do wonders for the soul!

Tami Allred said...

Oh I can't believe you didn't go. Banf was one of our favorite vacation places with our kids. Canoodaling in Lake Louise is what Anna called it.
I hope you feel better and get a lot done. You're amazing

Anonymous said...

less than one week! Disneyland here we come!

Anonymous said...

have fun on your trips!!!

call me when you get back!