Thursday, October 9, 2008

You Never Know . . .

Yesterday I was sitting in the TV room watching Ethan play his Wii game (Mario Party 8?). He was really doing well, as far as I could tell, and I told him what an awesome player he was. Later he came upstairs (after I'd hollered at him several times to quit playing and do his homework) and said, "Mom, when you complimented me on my video game skills that really got to me." I tell him I love him about 50 times a day, and constantly try to build him up, saying what a good brother he is, how nice he looks, making specific mention of nice things he's done or good schoolwork. But what made a difference to him was knowing I thought he was a good video game player. Isn't that funny?!


Kyle said...

That's really funny. I guess you've got to pay people (compliments) in the currency they accept. I'm so emotionally needy that I'll take whatever coinage is thrown my way.

Ethan, by the way, is a fantastic video game player. I found it pretty embarrassing to play with him when I was there last. When did I become a lame adult?

Anonymous said...

that is really sweet!! boys are so free with their moms anyway...

I got the opposite from a daughter yesterday, it was glorious LOL!

very sweet

The Moore Family said...

Cute story! I've always thought that Ethan is such a smart, good boy! I remember when he was a just a little, little boy and he was hanging out with us at our house and I was trying to get him to say blue instead of pink as his favorite color!! To funny......he also thought it was funny to call him Eflew.....good times!

Gretchen said...

That is really interesting! Maybe it had such an effect because it's something he thinks he's good at! I can't believe how grown up he is!