Monday, November 17, 2008

New Fridge

This has been the year of dying appliances. Our sump pump and our dryer both broke in the spring (leading to a big wet mess and no way to dry it!) The dishwasher has been unsatisfactory for quite some time, the washing machine is leaking, and recently the refrigerator has been making a funny noise. We decided the fridge was a top priority - - we didn't want to come back from a 2 week vacation to a lot of spoiled food. So last week we bought a new one. We put the old one in the garage for now (Scott is planning on fixing it! But I'm not holding my breath!) and Ethan helped me transfer all the food. It's a beautiful fridge - - silver and smudgeproof. But somehow it just didn't look right. Then I figured out what was missing. Noah's magnet letters, our family calendar, school papers, coupons, receipts, etc. Now it's perfect!


Virginia Brown said...

Reminds me of when I was taking a German class in Arizona and we had a party at the bachelor teacher's apartment. I looked at his patio door and couldn't figure out what about it looked so weird . . . then I realized: no kids' fingerprints.

Hope you enjoy your new fridge.

Gretchen said...

Fun! Enjoy your new, smudgeproof fridge!