Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Dad and Noah Weekend

Last weekend Scott and Noah went to Idaho together. It was (I think) the first time they'd taken a trip, just the two of them. Noah was so excited! Scott had a water board meeting in Albion (we own a little bit of farmland there) and so this was a good excuse to go. They flew into Boise and visited Jeff and Marla, then spent time in Pocatello with Scott's sister Cindy and her family (including granddaughter Abby - - she's 3). Scott's parents were there as well and they went to church there. Scott's parents have been working in the Twin Falls temple since it opened, and Scott's dad is now a sealer. They keep very busy! Noah had a very fun time playing with Abby and took about a thousand pictures (Scott weeded through them and picked a few good ones, see They finally got back Tuesday afternoon. Noah was so excited to be home and to see Ethan and me. We really missed him and Scott. Ethan and I just had a quiet weekend at home, doing some furniture rearranging and hanging out with friends.

Tuesday night I was in charge of homemade face masks for YW beauty night. We used up some of my food storage oatmeal. Recipe: 1/4 cup oatmeal, 2 tbsp egg white, 1 tbsp orange juice. The girls were so fun, we took fun of their leprous looking faces and had a great time. The scouts did a huge food drive for the pantry here in Crystal Lake. And Noah had a good time with the cubs, getting ready for this weekend's Blue & Gold Banquet.

Today Ethan and Noah had dental appointments. Arby's was the bribe, and it worked. Ethan went first and was a great example, and Noah followed and was wonderful. Whew! I was a real cheerleader through the whole process, glad that's over with for 6 months. Now I just have to keep up the nagging to brush and floss . . .

1 comment:

The Moore Family said...

It was fun to see Scott and Noah!! Can't wait to see you and Ethan this summer!! Take care! Oh sound like a way fun YW leader!!!