Monday, June 8, 2009

Catching Up

I was going to wait to do some of this posting because I don't have the pictures, but Mom threatened me so here goes.

While Heidi and Tallis and Milena were here we decided to go to Nauvoo, since Heidi had never been. Scott's niece Jaycee was getting married that weekend, so he went and took Noah. They had a great time. Scott's dad recently became a sealer at the Twin Falls Temple, so he performed the ceremony. I wish I could have been in 2 places at once!

It's about a 5 hour drive to Nauvoo, so we left Saturday around 10 and got to Nauvoo at 3 in the afternoon. We went to the main visitors center, and were just in time for a horse and buggy ride around the area. Then we spent some time in the women's sculpture garden. Heidi took some cute pictures (Scott had our camera). We stayed at a little hotel in Keokuk, Iowa, just across the Mississippi River. We stopped for pizza and then turned in.

The next day we first went to Carthage. Ethan had been there before, but he's old enough now to really "get it." It's so beautiful and spiritual there, and there's a good movie that highlights quotes from people about Joseph Smith. The landscaping is pretty as well. We were lucky to go over Memorial Day weekend because the weather was nice and not too hot (Nauvoo can get brutally hot and humid.)

We had lunch and spent the afternoon in Nauvoo, visiting the various homes, shops, etc. I think the kids enjoyed the family living center the best. You learn how to make rope, bread, how to card wool and make thread and yarn, and how to make pottery. The kids received several little souvenirs to treasure. Each time I go to Nauvoo I'm amazed at the perseverance of the early saints. Just providing food, clothing and shelter was a full time job. We're studying the D&C and church history in Sunday school this year, so it was good timing.

Our hotel had a little pool, so the kids got to spend some quality swimming time. Ethan has become a pretty good swimmer! I'm glad, because he's going to be working on some water sports at various scout activities this summer. Tallis and Milena had a good time splashing around, and Heidi and I just sat and talked. Heidi is dealing with her pregnancy very well - - she has amazing stamina. We had some pretty full days while she was visiting, and she outdid me on a few occasions.

Monday morning we were going to go spend some more time in Nauvoo, but it was pouring rain so we just drove home. We'd seen the main things, anyway. The kids played Nintendo and watched movies on the way. Ethan's favorite movies right now are Les Miserables and Henry V. Noah has been watching his "signing time" videos a lot lately. I'm so glad he signs, because it has made communicating with him so much easier. Sometimes if I can't figure out what he's saying he will sign the first letter of the word! He's really made some great strides with reading and writing this year.

I didn't write yet about Ethan turning 12. His birthday was May 16th, and we went out to dinner that night (Ethan brought his friend Adam along). We went to a fun Japanese place where they cook at your table and do tricks with knives, fire, etc. (kids, don't try this at home!) Scott and Ethan chose some stocks to buy, and he got some money that he's putting in his "Italy Fund." Ethan's big dream is to live in Ravello, Italy someday. He really wants to learn Italian, too.

Ethan was ordained to be a deacon 2 Sundays ago. He got to pass the sacrament that very day. At first he was nervous, but he told me later that because he felt the spirit the nervous feeling went away. He's expressed several times how much he enjoys passing the sacrament. Yesterday was his first time collecting fast offerings. On Tuesday he'll be attending the temple to do baptisms for the dead. It seems like all of a sudden he's just grown up so much! I've really seen a change in the past couple of weeks. We've got some really fun things planned for Ethan (and for Noah) this summer!

Yesterday I taught Scott's Sunday school class. Scott had to be in Arizona on business (he has been traveling a lot lately!!) After church Ethan had a piano recital. He did very well, he had the hardest songs of all the kids. I'm so proud of him for keeping up with piano (and I'm proud of me for not letting him quit, despite occasional pleas). I've never known anyone that was glad they quit piano lessons! I told Ethan when he can play 10 hymns perfectly then he can quit. But by now he's playing harder songs and enjoying it more. He's also doing well in guitar, learning one song that he has on his Christopher Parkening CD.

After the recital we collected fast offerings, and then went to our friends the Allreds' house for dinner. It was Dave's birthday, and there were several families from the ward there. We had so much fun talking together. One of Ethan's buddies came, so the 2 of them hung out. Tami recently got a new kitten, and Noah was obsessed with it. I had to keep a constant eye on him so he wouldn't be too rough. I wish I wasn't so allergic to cats, this one was really cute and Noah loved it so much. But after 10 minutes I was losing my voice and sneezing, so I don't think that's an option.

We've had a lot of rain here, but some beautiful days as well. I've enjoyed working in the yard - - my peonies are blooming and they're beautiful. I've done 3 yardwork service projects in the last month (for scouts, young women and relief society!), so it's a good thing I enjoy it. Late spring here in Illinois is gorgeous!


Anonymous said...

lovely post--it'll go great in the family letter. i wish i could have been there with you and heidi!

Virginia Brown said...

Thank you, Ali. The curse has been lifted.

Gretchen said...

Wow! I'm tired just reading that! Glad your trip to Nauvoo was so fun. We haven't been in years.

I can't believe Ethan is 12! That is amazing.

The Easton Family said...

Hello, I'm Brittany's friend, Jeannie and I just had a baby boy with DS this past March. She asked me to send you an invite to my blog, which I did, so I snooped and looked at your's as well. I hope that's o.k. Your family is beautiful. And at first look, I really love your list on the side of your blog. My husband and I love to travel, and weren't sure how having our new son would affect those plans...impressive list, by the way! :) I'd love to chat with you...are you on Facebook?